Welcome to my nonhuman page.
This is a page where I can talk freely about my otherkin, therian, and other out of the norm of human experiences. Yes I do actually believe I am a these things/should've been these things. Don't like? Don't look.
By the way, I have an otherkin tumblr blog right here, though be aware that it doubles as my POSIC/objectum blog.
Disclaimer that I have no idea whether I'm spiritual or psychological kin, nor do I really care. All that matters to me is that I'm not human, and that's that.
Wolves are my best friends, by the way.
The stars and the sky call to me, the trees guard me,
The worms feed me, I hide in the dark corners of streets, where no one can find me,
And they think me an omen worth a thousand words.
Does that make me a crow, or a horror?
Descriptions of me:
Crow self: a regular crow, average sized, lived mostly in snowy places. Unsure what exact species, but I have crossed off most crow species that live near ports, due to the fact that I did not like fish. I remembered I hung around wolves a lot, and didn't despise ravens as much as some other crows (though believe me I still didn't like ravens that much). I liked cranberries and blueberries the most, but sometimes I would enjoy a peanut by breaking it open. I was playful, but not overtly so, a bit more introverted. Sometimes I ate way more than I should and ended up using my extensible pouch to store more food more often than not.
Eldritch self: didn't have an exact 'shape' or form, but was mostly made out of stars and galaxies. Unsure if I was actually that big though. I could've also been formless? I know I knew a lot about stars and other objects in space (kind of like I was documenting them?). I didn't have to eat anything to survive as far as I remember. I enjoyed exploring the cosmos, and meeting whatever lived there. I don't know how many languages I knew, but it was a lot. I hid myself in lots of robes so I could visited other people without them going insane/mad/crazy.
Dog self: a fully grown rough collie, specifically the mostly orange with little to no black kind (is there a name for that type?). I lived in mostly snowy weather, with some amount of rain. I believe I was a sled-dog? I remember going camping out into the forest with my owners a lot, sometimes during extreme weather.
Favorite content for shifting:
Matthew Posa
Camping based Youtube channel, best for dogs and perhaps wolves who lived in snowy places or went camping
Crowkin Playlist
Spotify playlist I made for myself to help with crow shifts, do note that this is personal to me and will probably not help will all crows.
SCP Sarkic tales
Not technically a specific thing, but the Sarkic tales from the SCP Foundation help me with eldritch shifts with the way they are written. Though they definitely aren't for everyone, there's a lot of body horror and gore in the series, so don't read if you're sensitive to that.
Fractal Suggestions and Spiral Suggestions
Two horror poetry writing Tumblr blogs, perfect for eldritch individuals specifically. They are both grouped together because the content is roughly the same, I'll put any other poetry writing blogs I find here as well.
The Last Unicorn
Both the movie and the book are medias that I will always find some way to recommend. They are literally perfect.
Also I'm not a butterfly--surprising, I know, considering that my whole website is literally based off of the blue morpho butterfly.