Welcome! This page is for my self ship with Revali, called Lavali!
This page will be periodically updated!
Revali is an arrogant, rude asshole. Who doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything else besides his accomplishments (and maybe his bow). He is often passive aggresive, even when giving compliments (or, what is perceived as a compliment.) Yet, deep down, he may just be a soft, loving soul.
You just have to get through the mountains of salt in order to see it.
Lavender was a gardener for the Castle's Garden, they were very quiet, and rarely ever spoke to anyone but Princess Zelda and the other people in Hyrule Castle. One day, their friend Vamo somehow convinced them to go on a dangerous adventure with a bunch of travelers and a few knights. The cave they had been exploring had suddenly collapsed however, leaving them stuck, until the Champions had been sent to find them, and rescue them.
Despite Lavender saying otherwise, Vamo and Zelda managed to drag them along a mission with the Champions. Again. And again. And again.
Eventually Revali learned that Lavender, Vamo, and Zelda are the best (and the most terrifying) pranksters in all of Hyrule.
The way these letters were found are not known, just that it seems Revali and Lavender communicated with their own, secretive language. (AKA I want to write cheesy love letters but I don't want anyone else to read them. If you manage to figure it out though, props to you.)
Ravefavva Caavroefnuravefva,
eiol naefmena caeiaulei ei laavnuwlol naolwloh ollpeinuauleinufa wlal eswltu.
Nuwl meavolefva aulpefvaef ei avme, eswltu avvaef avcaauavesna ollpefvaef.
Ei aulnuwlau eswltu auavnuol olwl naef meef avfaaveinu, nawl eiroef faeiroefnu eswltu ollpeina aleiavollpefva olwl nawlollpef eswltu. Meavaulef natuvaef nuwlol olwl cawlnaef eiol! Ollpefesvaef ohvaeilaefcaefna.
Cawlroef, Vaefroavcaei
Mees luefcawlroefrav Vaefroavcaei,
eiroef esefol olwl lawlmeohcaefolef mewlnaol wlal mees ohavohefvaauwlvaaul. Nawlmeefoleimeefna eiol naefmena efnuravcaefna. Lutuol, avol caefavnaol ei naoleica lpavroef eswltu. Ei lpwlohef olwl naef eswltu avfaaveinu nawlnu.
Eswltuvana, Caavroefnuravefva.
A collection of art, including writing (there is not a lot).
Scarf (Prompt)
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